Chique Critique

Flicks by a Chick

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Beginning and Why

     I was at work one day discussing movies, which is a normal conversation I have with people, and I mentioned that I should probably critique films as a new hobby of mine because I love them so dearly. And then, like a lightbulb, it clicked. I'm going to start a blog discussing flicks I've seen over the years, new and old, and critique them!! What a GRAND idea!! What a FUN idea!!

     Since I was a little girl, I've always LOVED watching movies. My parents could put me in front of the television with any movie playing, and I would watch it...not half of the movie but the WHOLE thing. I love getting lost in a story someone is telling and living it with the character as if it were me! The excitement, the horror, the laughter, the tears...all of it...I LOVE IT!      I not only watch chick-flicks and love stories because I'm a girl. No, those movies are not my real passion. My real love of a movie is a good horror film. Not the blood, guts and gore but the really scary movies. The ones that make you throw your popcorn up in the air when the boogeyman comes out of the closet; the ones that make you scared to walk down your hall at night; the ones that keep you peering over your comforter and wrapped up tight even though it's 150 degrees outside. Yeah, those are the movies I'm talking about. But don't get me wrong, I love Disney movies too. I know, I know how can someone love Disney movies but also have the pants scarred off of them when watching a scary movie. I don't know...I!
     If the movie has a good plot, a good story line, makes me think, has good cinematography, phenomenal actors and is a smidge on the quirky side at times...well reel me in because I'm hooked!
    I know this is not a normal blog like those people who write about their feelings, or things that are going on in their life, so I hope you will enjoy these critiques of movies just as much as I enjoy giving them and continue to follow me.


Blogger Emily said...

I can't wait to have my own personal movie expert to tell me what I should be watching! woo hoo!

April 12, 2011 at 5:37 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

And just like that, it's on!!

April 12, 2011 at 7:47 PM  
Blogger Kevin said...

I just realized I have a Blogger account since feb do I not remember that?

April 12, 2011 at 7:54 PM  
Blogger Simply Jessica said...

Emily-shoot ya! You want a 5 star movie to see...I'll recommend you one! Thanks for following me. Love you
Kevin-get to writing son!! I want to read!!

April 13, 2011 at 7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully you wont give a bad review on something I really really want to see. That always happens to me. I see a preview for a movie that looks amazing, and it turns out to get a horrible review, before I get a chance to see it. Do you think movie critics are all so intelligent that when they watch movies that are funny or goofy or even unrealistic, they slam it down. Maybe that's why I love any movies so much, I don't see the bad parts. I'm not that intelligent? Who knows. But I know you are super intelligent! And I think this is an awesome little hobby to pick up. It's like a journal but everyone is included! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on movies! Yay!
Love your BFF
P.S. I couldn't figure out the "Comment As". I think I have to subscribe or something. So from now on, when you see Anonymous, it will be me!

April 13, 2011 at 8:37 AM  
Anonymous shane said...

Good job baby, I am looking forward to reading your ideas on movies even though i hear most of it at home. Im glad you found this so now you can share your movie thoughts with everyone and you do know alottttttt of movies so it should be good. Im very very proud of you and love you so much.

Love always,
your husband

April 13, 2011 at 9:12 AM  
Blogger Simply Jessica said...

Sarah-I'm so with you on how critics bash all films even though I think they are superior! That is another reason I started this because people can have a critique from a REAL movie viewer, not someone paid to watch it. I love you mucho mucho and thanks for following!

April 13, 2011 at 9:57 AM  
Blogger Simply Jessica said...

My sweet sweet husband-I love you so much and thank you for the support. I do love movies and if anyone knows this first's you. Thanks for always sitting through movies that you don't always want to see. I love you so much!
Your adoring wife

April 13, 2011 at 9:57 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jess,
I don't have time to watch movies, so I will just read on here, and you already know I don;t like the scary ones!!! Good luck with your blog.


April 13, 2011 at 3:44 PM  
Anonymous Julie said...

Good Job, don't know how you did this but it will be fun to read what you and others have to say. I hope all the movies I think are great will get the same reviews. Thanks, this is a great idea.
Love you,

April 13, 2011 at 5:57 PM  

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